Hello open source

I joined Chakra team back in 2009. I have hacked a bunch of code in Chakra engine. Eventhough I have spent a great deal of time in this codebase, I still have lot to learn. (I am not an expert in any sense).

Intention of this blog is to help new developers to make sense of basic building blocks in Chakra. Over the course I intend to cover all parts of the engine such as type system, jit, runtime etc. If you see any inaccuracy in my blog please point out.

Following is the list of articles. I will populate the list as I have more content. If you are particularly interested in a topic do let me know.

  • [Tagged float] (http://abchatra.github.io/TaggedFloat)
  • [Type] (http://abchatra.github.io/Type)

Thank you!